Alexandra Paul Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Alexandra Paul quotes and sayings page 3 (61 year old actress). These are the last 6 out of 26 quotes we have for her.
“There is a reason it is called fossil fuel-it is an outdated method of getting power.”
“When the Exxon Valdez spilled in 1989, I was angry. I even wrote on the back of my car, Boycott Exxon!”
“Meat is an inefficient way to eat. An acre of land can yield 20,000 pounds of potatoes, but that same acre would only graze enough cows to get 165 pounds of meat.”
“I'm not particularly impressed with going 50 miles per gallon. That doesn't impress me when we can go to the moon.”
“I've always preferred food be on the blander side.”
“The only way people are going to change their car buying habits, and the only way government will get behind alternatively fueled vehicles, is if gasoline prices continue to go up.”
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