Alison Krauss Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Alison Krauss quotes and sayings page 2 (52 year old musician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 35 we have for her.

“Songs come from all over the place. You can't predict what you're going to like. You might like something that doesn't fit right now. What was working for you at one point, something you've loved for years and years, when you get together with everybody, you think, this doesn't match up with what's going on with you personally.”
Alison Krauss Quotes
“I don't get recognised in London or at home either - very seldom anyway. Either that or I look so crazy no one wants to come up to me.”
Alison Krauss Quotes
“I think you translate emotion better when you take your hands off.”
Alison Krauss Quotes
“If you don't know what makes green, you're going to try every color combination.”
“It's not that I have resisted songwriting, it's just not something I felt I have had to do. I've just not woken up and thought, I must do this. But I have often heard music that I have instantly felt 'I have to sing that song'.”
Alison Krauss Quotes
“Lyrics are kind of the whole thing; it's the message. Something might have a beautiful melody but if it's not the truth coming out of your mouth, it's not appealing.”
Alison Krauss Quotes
“Whenever I've chosen a song because it's clever, it's always turned out to be a mistake.”
Alison Krauss Quotes
“Growing up I used to love bands like Free and ELO and the Rolling Stones. When Robert Plant got in touch it made perfect sense to me.”
Alison Krauss Quotes
“Oh Mr. Webster could never define what's being said between your heart and mine.”
Alison Krauss Quotes
“A whole album to one writer - now that would be really interesting.”

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