Andy Serkis Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Andy Serkis quotes and sayings page 3 (60 year old actor). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 125 we have for him.

Andy Serkis Quotes
“When I was in theater I was forever trying to inhabit a space which puts yourself under the microscope as an actor and your personality and your take on life, but actually through another portal of a character.”
Andy Serkis Quotes
“Performance capture is a technology, not a genre; it's just another way of recording an actor's performance.”
Andy Serkis Quotes
“I'd like to think that we strive in film and theatre to tell great stories, and I believe in the power of storytelling in our culture.”
Andy Serkis Quotes
“But I think there's something wonderful and extraordinary about climbing on your own and just that kind of relationship to the environment. I'm very addicted to the mountains. You know, so, I do like that solitude.”
Andy Serkis Quotes
“Thank God for Skype!”
“When I played Gollum in 'Lord of the Rings,' if I was climbing up the side of a mountain, which I physically did, you know, I was on every single occasion swimming through streams, all of that, that wasn't captured. That was filmed on 35 millimeter, and for certain of those shots, it was rotoscoped and painted over.”
Andy Serkis Quotes
“My take is that acting is acting. A performance is a performance. With performance capture, if you don't get the performance on the day, you can't enhance the performance.”
Andy Serkis Quotes
“Gorillas are still wild creatures. That's made very clear when you observe them in nature. They charge and perform other displays that are terrifying by design. But they don't attack unless they feel threatened.”
Andy Serkis Quotes
“More and more good actors are now transmigrating into the videogame space and playing roles there because it's where my generation of kids get stories from.”
Andy Serkis Quotes
“My first job when I got my equity card was acting in 14 plays back-to-back. Playing that many roles, you look for ways of differentiating the characters physically, which goes hand in hand with understanding them psychologically.”

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