Arabella Weir Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Arabella Weir quotes and sayings page 2 (67 year old comedian). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 41 we have for her.
“I cry at everything, even the length of the queue at Sainsbury's.”
“As an actress and comedienne, I'm a huge fan of he theatre and the Tricycle in Kilburn is my favourite in London. I dragged my kids to a performance of 'Twelfth Night' there, where they handed out pizza. Who knew that all it takes to get children interested in Shakespeare is a snack?”
“I would like it to be a legal requirement for all businesses to be linked to a charity.”
“If I'm hunting down gifts, I like to buy locally.”
“My parents' generation's benchmark was simple: Fat Equals Bad.”
“Success, in whatever form it takes, is a tricky thing - once you've achieved your goal, then what? Where do you aim?”
“The real me now may not be thin but she's got the cake and, if she likes, can eat it too.”
“There is an inherent tolerance and kindness in the state school teenagers I know.”
“I was accorded the opportunity to learn by failing - albeit at the cost of a few honourable teachers' sanity - and now I realise what a rare and incredible luxury that is.”
“I wish my parents hadn't made me feel that how I looked was linked to how much they loved me. But I do also see how hard it must be to see your child pile on the pounds and trust they'll find their own way back to a healthy weight.”
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