Colm Toibin Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Colm Toibin quotes and sayings page 4 (novelist). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 60 we have.

“I've never put Northern Ireland into a novel because it's not my territory. I come from the South, so my imaginative territory is very much the Republic of Ireland rather than the North. Even though, if I wrote a novel about the North, it might sell more.”
“In my 20s, as I began to travel in Europe, I found comfort in religious paintings. Even though my own belief in Catholic dogma had been shaken and weakened, I found that the beauty and the richness of the art still held me.”
Colm Toibin Quotes
“Look at Austen. In her novels, you get a dance, followed by an encounter, followed by a letter, then a period of solitude. No flashbacks and no backstory. Let's have no more back story!”
Colm Toibin Quotes
“Anyone who works in the arts knows, if you're writing a novel or a play or anything, you have to be ready for someone to say, 'Your time is up.'”
“The next time I write a play - in order to get audience trust for a particular sort of tragic line, I'll try to bring the audience a good distance before that. Part of that is allowing comic moments to occur. I had been afraid of that - that once the audience started laughing in the play, they would never stop.”
Colm Toibin Quotes
“'One Minus One' and 'Barcelona, 1975' are more or less autobiographical.”
Colm Toibin Quotes
“I have to write a first draft with a fountain pen before I type it up as a second.”
Colm Toibin Quotes
“I live in words. I like looking at things, but I don't have a strong visual imagination.”
Colm Toibin Quotes
“Writer's block! It doesn't exist. You just long for ideas to go away so you have an idea of peace.”
Colm Toibin Quotes
“I think you can get a sort of intensity and an edginess offering nine stories in a book. Competing versions of things.”

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