Dakota Fanning Quotes & Sayings

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35 most famous Dakota Fanning quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 31 year old American actress born on Feb 23, 1994.

Dakota Fanning Quotes
“It's something that's always been there for me, that I have huge blue eyes - it's been something that people have always talked about.”
Dakota Fanning Quotes
“I think I was a Japanese schoolgirl in another life. That's how much I love Hello Kitty.”
Dakota Fanning Quotes
“I was always into fashion because my mom has always been interested in fashion. She majored in fashion merchandising in college, and it's always been something we have in common.”
“The hardest thing is at the end you have to say bye to all these people who you have worked with for so many months. It was really sad not to see them anymore. But you have the parties that you go to and you get to see them, like the premieres and the screenings.”
“My mom, she is the most unbelievable mom that you could ever have in your entire life and she's always with me on everything. The most I've ever been away from her is two days. I love her more than anybody could ever know.”
Dakota Fanning Quotes
“I've been a ballerina since I was two, but I've always wanted to be an actress.”
Dakota Fanning Quotes
“ER was one of my favourites. I played a car accident victim who has leukemia. I got to wear a neck brace and nose tubes for the two days I worked.”
Dakota Fanning Quotes
“I love the feeling I get when I'm on a set; I love reading the scripts, playing the characters, getting to be someone else.”
Dakota Fanning Quotes
“My parents never talked to me like I was a kid. Maybe that's why I've been seen as mature.”
Dakota Fanning Quotes
“I don't throw my clothes out after one wear. Shocking, I know.”

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