David Harsanyi Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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David Harsanyi quotes and sayings page 2 (journalist). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 55 we have.

David Harsanyi Quotes
“Broaden the tax base, close loopholes and flatten the tax rates - all of which would bring more revenue stability and certitude to projections as well as make filing a comparable breeze.”
David Harsanyi Quotes
“A cultural shift is not always an ideological one - or at least not always the one you imagine. Our norms are always evolving.”
David Harsanyi Quotes
“For Philistines like me, the mysteries of Washington can be both perplexing and wondrous.”
David Harsanyi Quotes
“Few things trigger fear and misconception more than economic tribulation, and nothing prompts elected officials to react with more simplistic populism.”
“If progressives were interested in mitigating inequality, they would support the dynamism of free markets to allow the merit of ideas, products and services to win the day rather than stifle companies and pick winners in the name of imagined 'progress.'”
“You will notice that the Occupy Wall Street crowds - and the progressives who support them - focus on bringing the wealthy down to earth rather than lifting the 99 percent. They have a nearly religious belief that too much wealth is fundamentally immoral and unhealthy for society.”
“Living most of my life in New York, I witnessed plenty of nanny state laws. Later, I lived in D.C. for a bit and saw even more. I assumed when I got to Colorado, the Wild West, there would be a rejection of such intrusive legislation. I was wrong.”
David Harsanyi Quotes
“My parents both defected from communist Hungary and were what most people would today call libertarian. I grew up with a general distaste for taxation and any policy that intruded on our lives.”
David Harsanyi Quotes
“Now, admittedly, Twitter can be entertaining on occasion, as it turns out that 140 characters offers a great chance to be misunderstood - and an even greater chance one will expose his inner troglodyte.”
David Harsanyi Quotes
“Progressivism is the belief that we have too much freedom with which to make too many stupid choices.”

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