Debbie Allen Quotes & Sayings
25 most famous Debbie Allen quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 75 year old American actress born on Jan 13, 1950.
“But out of limitations comes creativity.”
“I'm always moving forward.”
“Michael Ralph brilliantly plays the street prophet, a West Indian who foreshadows the Harlem riot.”
“Making this movie was a great opportunity for me to explore high-definition. I'm glad I got to see what the challenges are, what makes it better. It works wonderfully.”
“You have to examine a scene on the page first. Then you get into the basics of acting: Who are you? Who are you talking to? How do you feel about that person?”
“Time management is a big part of the director's job.”
“The riot isn't seen in the movie, but it is alluded to. He has this one speech that gives a great sense of texture and paints a picture of what was happening in Harlem then.”
“A director just pushes them a little this way or that way.”
“But it was not possible to do this movie, in this matter of time, without a solid rehearsal period.”
“Everything has to be well thought out - what do you really need, when can you do with less coverage.”
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