Debbie Allen Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Debbie Allen quotes and sayings page 2 (75 year old actress). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 25 we have for her.
“The radio for these women is like television is for us today, which is really like looking at the radio.”
“I got my dailies every day, although I couldn't always look at them because I was usually preparing for the next day's shoot, both as an actress and as the director.”
“I use something that is a real staple in the directing world. It's called a dance floor. You lay it down so that it's so smooth you can roll around, and you can put furniture on top of it. It's seamless and you don't see it.”
“It goes back to a style of moviemaking I remember seeing as a child, in movies like The Man With The Golden Arm, which I think was shot all on a sound stage.”
“The clothes back in those days were made so much better than clothes are today. They actually took time to make clothes to fit a woman's body. Today they make clothes that fit sizes, so it stretches to fit this and that.”
“The biggest challenge was that we had to shoot so quickly and with such a limited budget.”
“As far as pacing the shoot is concerned, I know when I've got it. I don't think there's any reason to take ten takes unless you need them.”
“Even when you have a big budget, you can't just shoot everything.”
“I design my shots. I walk the rehearsal as the camera and say 'this is where I want to be... I want this look.”
“In scoring we have a lot that was not evident in the shooting. The radio is on all the time.”
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