Dolly Parton Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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Dolly Parton quotes and sayings page 7 (79 year old musician). Here's quote # 61 through 70 out of the 125 we have for her.

Dolly Parton Quotes
“I still close my eyes and go home - I can always draw from that.”
Dolly Parton Quotes
“People make jokes about my bosoms, why don't they look underneath the breasts at the heart? It's obvious I've got big ones and if people want to assume they're not mine, then let them.”
“When I wake up, I expect things to be good. If they're not, then I try to set about trying to make them as good as I can 'cause I know I'm gonna have to live that day anyway. So why not try to make the most of it if you can? Some days, they pan out a little better than others, but you still gotta always just try.”
Dolly Parton Quotes
“I don't like to give advice. I like to give people information because everyone's life is different, and everyone's journey is different.”
Dolly Parton Quotes
“If you like good ol' fashion Southern soul food then, yes, I am a good cook! My specialty is chicken dumplings and poke salad.”
Dolly Parton Quotes
“A gypsy told me I was going to do great things. I was going to make all kinds of money.”
Dolly Parton Quotes
“People say I look so happy - and I say, 'That's the Botox.'”
Dolly Parton Quotes
“God tells us not to judge one another, no matter what anyone's sexual preferences are or if they're black, brown or purple.”
Dolly Parton Quotes
“I'm an energy vampire. I just suck off everybody's energy. But I give it back.”
Dolly Parton Quotes
“A lot of people don't realise I came out of the Smoky Mountains with a load of songs.”

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