Elaine Pagels Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Elaine Pagels quotes and sayings page 2 (historian). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 43 we have.

Elaine Pagels Quotes
“Really, I don't like to do any household chores. There was a time when I loved to cook, but that was when I wasn't writing books.”
Elaine Pagels Quotes
“The Book of Revelation is all about the conflict, the contest between the forces of Good and Evil.”
Elaine Pagels Quotes
“I realize that I cannot live without a spiritual dimension in my life.”
“After Ann Godoff, who was editor-in-chief at Random House, left and went to Viking, I got to know Viking and the people there, and liked them very much. I also found a wonderful editor there, Wendy Wolf. It's a very congenial press.”
“I realized that conventional views of Christian faith that I'd heard when I was growing up were simply made up - and I realized that many parts of the story of the early Christian movement had been left out.”
Elaine Pagels Quotes
“The Antichrist is often identified with the second beast in the Book of Revelation that arises from the land, the beast that tries to make everyone worship the power of evil.”
Elaine Pagels Quotes
“The Romans weren't trying to kill all the Jews, but they did destroy Jewish resistance to Roman rule. Jerusalem was turned into a Roman army camp, and it was a total devastation.”
“Orthodox theologians insisted that the rest of humankind were only transitory creatures, lost in sin - a view that would support what would become their dominant teaching about salvation, offered only through Christ, and, in particular, through the church they claimed to represent.”
“People who study the way religions develop have shown that if you have a charismatic teacher, and you don't have an institution develop around that teacher within about a generation to transmit succession within the group, the movement just dies.”
“What's different about the Gospel of Thomas is that, instead of focusing entirely on who Jesus is and the wonderful works of Jesus, it focuses on how you and I can find the kingdom of God, or life in the presence of God.”

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