Elizabeth Warren Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Elizabeth Warren quotes and sayings page 4 (75 year old public servant). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 125 we have for her.

Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“How do you think we build a future? I think we build it by investing in our kids and investing in education.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I don't want happy-face conclusions. I want the truth.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I have to prove myself to everybody.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I know what I am in Washington to do: I'm here to fight for hardworking families.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I will work my heart out to earn the trust of the people of Massachusetts.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I'll work with anyone - and I really do mean that - Democrat, Republican, independent, Libertarian, contrarian, vegetarian.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I'm not going to talk about who I voted for.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“If Federal Reserve loans are subsidies, it doesn't show up in the federal budget.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“Most women file for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a serious medical problem, a job loss, or a family break up. It is hard to protect against those.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“The poor pay more, and that's one of the reasons people get trapped at the bottom of the economic ladder.”

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