Elizabeth Warren Quotes & Sayings (Page 9)

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Elizabeth Warren quotes and sayings page 9 (75 year old public servant). Here's quote # 81 through 90 out of the 125 we have for her.

Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I was in a high school where everybody was a click better off.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I'm not a Washington person.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I'm not running for president.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I'm really concerned that too-big-to-fail has become too-big-for-trial.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“I'm willing to throw my body in front of the bus to stop bad ideas.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“If nobody can sell mortgage-backed securities based on trillions of dollars of unpayable instruments, there's a lot less risk in the overall system.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“If President Barack Obama had not been in the White House, we would not have the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“If your plan is to put a product out there that people can see and understand, then by golly, we're going to get along just fine.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“In the 1960s, a minimum wage job would keep a family of three afloat.”
Elizabeth Warren Quotes
“It doesn't make me happy to go back and talk about how great high school was.”

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