Freddie Highmore Quotes & Sayings

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27 most famous Freddie Highmore quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 33 year old English actor born on Feb 14, 1992.

Freddie Highmore Quotes
“As always, with acting, you can't be too self-conscious. You shouldn't care about what people are thinking about you at the time because they're not caring about you, they're caring about the character.”
Freddie Highmore Quotes
“When you're happy you don't always have to be laughing, and when you're sad you don't have to be crying; sometimes it's the opposite. You laugh when you're the most upset.”
Freddie Highmore Quotes
“People build up a picture of Johnny Depp as being some sort of weird pirate character. In reality he's incredibly nice... one of the nicest people I've ever met.”
Freddie Highmore Quotes
“I have a younger brother.”
Freddie Highmore Quotes
“I'm not a sad person, upset the whole time, but I seem to be quite emotional.”
Freddie Highmore Quotes
“I'm pretty rubbish, as we say in Britain, artwise, and I always envy people who can pick up something and even do just a little doodle of someone that looks vaguely like them. It's impressive.”
Freddie Highmore Quotes
“There's never been a particular band that I've followed religiously. But I do tend to listen to sadder music.”
“I always tend to see, right after reading the script, the character and how I want to play it. I guess that's sort of most of the work, preparing for the role, but almost the creation of the character seems to go on as I read through the script.”
Freddie Highmore Quotes
“Every day is a different day in New York; there's always something new going on.”
Freddie Highmore Quotes
“I guess I'm just a normal kid apart from the acting.”

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