Greta Van Susteren Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Greta Van Susteren quotes and sayings page 2 (69 year old journalist). These are the last 6 out of 16 quotes we have for her.

Greta Van Susteren Quotes
“I really enjoy what I'm doing.”
Greta Van Susteren Quotes
“Let's not kid ourselves. You pick up 'The Washington Post' and find O.J. Simpson on the front page; 'serious journalists' covered Anna Nicole Smith.”
Greta Van Susteren Quotes
“No candidate dares to look for a new campaign model that could really enhance the democratic process. Instead we are left with the current one which makes our candidates look like hucksters.”
Greta Van Susteren Quotes
“Of course, every time someone does a story on plastic surgery, my name will be dragged up. I've made it safe for other people to have plastic surgery. It's no longer a bad word.”
“People often ask why I left CNN - I didn't like management. I liked my colleagues in the news gathering but the corporate culture that seized management when AOL came in (Steve Case and Gerry Levin) was disgusting.”
“When Mrs. Bush was First Lady, she went all over the Mideast talking about breast cancer awareness and the need for early screening. She did this in places where the cultures prohibit such discussion or even detection efforts.”

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