Hamid Karzai Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Hamid Karzai quotes and sayings page 2 (67 year old statesman). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 30 we have for him.
“People in Afghanistan want peace, including the Taliban. They're also people like we all are. They have families, they have relatives, they have children, they are suffering a tough time.”
“No foreigner has a place asking another people, another country, to change their constitution.”
“Terrorism as a force is gone. As individuals they are all around and we will continue to look for them.”
“They're criminals, they brutalized Afghanistan, they killed our people, they destroyed our land.”
“Where liberty dies, evil grows.”
“If the United States is treating Afghanistan as a sovereign country it has to prove it.”
“The capture of Saddam Hussein has proven to the bad ones, to the guilty ones, to the sinful ones that they cannot run forever. Sooner or later, the other criminals will also be found from their hideouts.”
“I never call it an insurgency. I call it terrorism.”
“If it is terrorism, if it is war on terror, then the Afghan people will join you on terror.”
“The holy book is implanted in the hearts and minds of all the Muslims. Humiliation of the holy book represents the humiliation of our people.”
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