Harold Prince Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Harold Prince quotes and sayings page 6 (97 year old producer). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 70 we have for him.

Harold Prince Quotes
“'Showboat' is the quintessential family show.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“The truth is, for some absurd reason, no one is willing to admit that the interests of the producers and the theater owners are not the same.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“There have always been revivals. Some have always been successful. And many of them have failed.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“There was never any question that I would go to college, that I would travel, that I would go to the theater early and often.”
“You could argue that 'Sweeney Todd' was romantic, if you looked closely at it, but it didn't impart that to its audiences. But it's large, and it's melodramatic, and it's a style I like to work in periodically.”
“All these actors who died before I was born, all the theaters and the artistic movements - all that stuff fills you up and makes you feel like you're the inheritor of all this information and of all its passion.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“Audiences are very willing to be taken somewhere, and to ask an audience beforehand what it wants is probably, I think, a mistake. Much better you should tell them what you want and hope they agree with it.”
“Ethel Merman would stay with a show for years and tour with it. So would Mary Martin, the great stars. They recognized the value of that success and nurtured it. Now, you come from Hollywood, you play 12 weeks and go away. I don't think that's the best policy.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“Everything can't be a postage-stamp-sized project. Everything can't be a chamber piece. Musicals aren't even meant to be that, or identified with it... It's none of it simple.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“'Evita' was four pieces of slick paper and a record album. It's the most scary, to sit down and dictate a musical scene by scene. It was a musical unlike anything I'd ever seen before myself.”

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