Harold Prince Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Harold Prince quotes and sayings page 5 (97 year old producer). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 70 we have for him.

Harold Prince Quotes
“One thing is certain: We can't go back. The musical will never be the same as it was.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“The idea that I have to be on the same side of the fence as Dan Quayle is cruelly depressing to me, but the truth is, I believe in family values.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“I don't think there's a defined contemporary American musical, do you?”
Harold Prince Quotes
“I really wish people - maybe it's naive - wish people had priorities and were willing to be artistic patrons.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“I saw 'On The Town' about nine times. I discovered it. I loved it. I was in college.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“I've never been able to understand where great artists come from.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“It's nice to stay up nights worrying about the material, and not about the investors who gave you $10 million to do your musical.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“Most of the big money people don't know what would interest an audience if you did it. They only know what interested the audience last time.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“Producers want to put their music behind revivals but I don't think that's a good trend for the theater at all.”
Harold Prince Quotes
“Producing should be a creative responsibility.”

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