Harrison Birtwistle Quotes & Sayings

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28 most famous Harrison Birtwistle quotes and sayings (composer). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“I don't have ideas so much as there are things which constantly evolve... there are various threads or layers, if you like, which change.”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“It's the irrational things that interest me.”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“My attitude to writing is like when you do wallpapering, you remember where all the little bits are that don't meet. And then your friends say: It's terrific!”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“I'm not a music lover in the sense that I look for something to have on. I've never had that attitude to music.”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“I think music has gone through a period of something very severe, rather radical, rather the way painting did with cubism.”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“I didn't have a record player.”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“I don't think there is much American music.”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“People say my music is English. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's not me writing English music, but that English music is becoming more like me.”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“The opera tells the story with all the built-in contradictions and from many different angles.”
Harrison Birtwistle Quotes
“I always write the pieces I want to write.”

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