Haruki Murakami Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Haruki Murakami quotes and sayings page 5 (76 year old writer). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 84 we have for him.

Haruki Murakami Quotes
“I just wanted to write something about running, but I realized that to write about my running is to write about my writing. It's a parallel thing in me.”
“I try not to think about anything special while running. As a matter of fact, I usually run with my mind empty. However, when I run empty-minded, something naturally and abruptly crawls in sometime. That might become an idea that can help me with my writing.”
“Many people, especially young people, would like to be more independent and on their own. But it is very difficult and they suffer from feelings of isolation. I think that is one reason why young readers support my work.”
“Since I have come to America, I am often asked whether my next novel will be set in America. I don't think it will. I think I will be living in America for some time to come, but while living in America, I would like to write about Japanese society from the outside.”
“I began running on an everyday basis after I became a writer. As being a writer requires sitting at a desk for hours a day, without getting some exercise you'd quickly get out of shape and gain weight, I figured.”
“My father belongs to the generation that fought the war in the 1940s. When I was a kid my father told me stories - not so many, but it meant a lot to me. I wanted to know what happened then, to my father's generation. It's a kind of inheritance, the memory of it.”
Haruki Murakami Quotes
“In Japan they prefer the realistic style. They like answers and conclusions, but my stories have none. I want to leave them wide open to every possibility. I think my readers understand that openness.”
“For novelists or musicians, if they really want to create something, they need to go downstairs and find a passage to get into the second basement. What I want to do is go down there, but still stay sane.”
Haruki Murakami Quotes
“I don't get bored.”
Haruki Murakami Quotes
“If you want to talk about something new, you have to make up a new kind of language.”

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