Howard Graham Buffett Quotes & Sayings

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18 most famous Howard Graham Buffett quotes and sayings (businessman). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Howard Graham Buffett Quotes
“Each of us has about 40 chances to accomplish our goals in life. I learned this first through agriculture, because all farmers can expect to have about 40 growing seasons, giving them just 40 chances to improve on every harvest.”
Howard Graham Buffett Quotes
“I've always loved being outdoors, getting my hands dirty.”
Howard Graham Buffett Quotes
“Approaching life through '40 Chances' gives reasons to hope and actions to take, and it offers fresh approaches that our world desperately needs.”
Howard Graham Buffett Quotes
“My mom told me I never had enough Tonka toys when I was growing up.”
“My parents had a gardener when I was growing up, and he and I would dig in the dirt together - my mom and dad were definitely not digging with me! When I was 5, he helped me plant some corn in our backyard, and I remember how fascinating it was to watch it grow. Little did I know that 50 years later I'd be growing corn in a different way.”
“Africa is the most weathered continent in the world; 75 percent of its soil has been degraded. You don't just bring that back. I always like to say it's like putting an oxygen mask on a cadaver; it just isn't going to work.”
“You've got a global food problem. You've got a food problem in the United States. You've got a food problem in Africa... in Asia. And so the truth is, the U.S. is going to have to produce more, on not very many more acres, honestly. And so we're going to have to do a better job.”
Howard Graham Buffett Quotes
“Eliminating hunger in America is doable, because we have the resources to do it.”
Howard Graham Buffett Quotes
“A lot of crops depend on labor, but they're done by farmers that don't communicate with one another. They're never in the same room together.”
Howard Graham Buffett Quotes
“Crop insurance should be a policy that keeps people from going broke, to make sure they can farm next year, but not to make them rich.”

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