Oleg Cassini Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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28 most famous Oleg Cassini quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He was an American designer who passed away on 17 March, 2006.

Oleg Cassini Quotes
“Every time you choose a perfume, you are voting. And, of course, I hope you vote for me. Not only for my ego, but for my pocketbook. The more you buy, the more money I make.”
Oleg Cassini Quotes
“The best of life is to embark on an adventure with a woman interested in having an adventure with you.”
Oleg Cassini Quotes
“My goal in life was to pursue the good life.”
Oleg Cassini Quotes
“I spent half my life being hurt. The leftovers of hurt are an automatic gesture, like a dog that salivates.”
Oleg Cassini Quotes
“Looks, health and elegance are what counts. Someone can look wonderful in a sweatsuit.”
Oleg Cassini Quotes
“What is more important, the reality or the perception? I am perceived to be an important designer. It's enough for me.”
Oleg Cassini Quotes
“A designer is like a doctor for a woman. He has a specific job, and if he is doing it well, he will have the gratitude of the woman for the rest of his life.”
Oleg Cassini Quotes
“My philosophy is this: Do not tamper with the anatomy of a woman's body; do not camouflage it.”
Oleg Cassini Quotes
“The first lady must be a leader. She must not be a follower.”
“At the very beginning of my career, when I opened my business in Italy, I was also a ranked tennis player. I had won many tournaments. To be an athlete was my first choice. Second choice: designer. However! There was more money in being a designer at that time.”

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