Jack Abramoff Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Jack Abramoff quotes and sayings page 3 (67 year old criminal). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 60 we have for him.

Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I don't pay much attention to sports.”
“I got into lobbying kind of against my will at first. I frankly didn't want to be a lobbyist, but I realized that in lobbying I could do things politically that were interesting to me and do some what I thought would be good. I'm not sure it all turned out like that, but at least that was some of the initial thinking.”
Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I know I'm intellectually capable of finding a series of things and making hundreds of millions. I have to get there and do it. Carefully. Legally.”
Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I mean, money is a tool.”
Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I might dream, but I am no dreamer.”
Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I support myself by public speaking and trying to work on as many appropriate and legitimate ventures as I can.”
Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I think the American people deserve somebody telling them what is really happening in Washington.”
Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I try to avoid saying anything positive about any presidential candidate for fear that if I actually like them then I will kill their campaign.”
Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I'm a human being. I'm not perfect.”
Jack Abramoff Quotes
“I'm a hypercompetitive individual.”

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