Jack Abramoff Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Jack Abramoff quotes and sayings page 2 (67 year old criminal). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 60 we have for him.
“Congress doesn't hate Congress.”
“Democrats don't react the same way Republicans do, because they are not forced to react the same way Republicans are forced to react. They get to be as corrupt as, basically, they want, and just ignore it.”
“Everybody's a complex person. Everybody. Everybody's nuanced.”
“Having gone through what I went through, watching my family be torn to shreds and my children suffer immensely, I can't be the agent of doing that to someone else. I can't be the agent of causing someone to go to prison.”
“I am much chastened and profoundly remorseful. I can only hope that the Almighty and those whom I have wronged will forgive me my trespasses.”
“I can't afford to be a member of a golf course.”
“I can't vote again ever, so political party is not a relevant thing for me.”
“I did this within a philosophical framework, and a moral and legal framework. And I have been turned into a cartoon of the greatest villain in the history of lobbying.”
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