James Denton Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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James Denton quotes and sayings page 2 (62 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 31 we have for him.

James Denton Quotes
“I'm off at least three or four days a week, so it's a perfect job, really.”
James Denton Quotes
“The promos with all of the beautiful women probably attracted some men, but the mystery story line is pretty cool. It's got that dark edge, and people will watch anything funny.”
James Denton Quotes
“I love David Caruso. I know it's not cool, but I do. I watch CSI: Miami. I think he's interesting.”
James Denton Quotes
“I saw a story in the Los Angeles Times that 40 percent of the viewers are men. It didn't really surprise me.”
James Denton Quotes
“I think theatre helped, only because it was acting experience. I got to work with a lot of directors.”
James Denton Quotes
“I was born and raised in the South, which is pretty conservative.”
James Denton Quotes
“I've been on a lot of shows that nobody cared about.”
James Denton Quotes
“It's still about the women. It's not called Desperate Plumber. People are more interested in cat fights.”
James Denton Quotes
“James was my given name, but I was a junior; so I was Jamie as a kid.”
James Denton Quotes
“My parents were amazing people who had no business being together - and they knew it.”

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