January Jones Quotes & Sayings
15 most famous January Jones quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 47 year old American actress born on Jan 5, 1978.
“If everything always went perfectly, I would feel like, When is the ball going to drop? Because good things don't always last. Maybe I'm a pessimistic person. When something just seems too good, I can't believe it.”
“Why not show off if you've got something to show?”
“I lived in a town of 400 until I was like nine or ten. My dad coached all the sports - he was a gym teacher and health teacher for grades K-12.”
“If I could do one thing over I'd have been nicer to my parents.”
“A lot of the stuff that I do with Betty is in the eyes. A lot of the feelings that I evoke with her are unspoken, so that's been fun to play with.”
“I have that thing in my stomach where I just need to keep striving for things. In my mind, I want the fairy tale.”
“In this business, I don't know how you can have a plan or how you can orchestrate anything. But I've been lucky with my choices. I'm very strong-willed, so I've been able to stick with it. I'm lucky there.”
“I choose roles that are not me.”
“My dad liked how January went with Jones. My sisters' names are Jina and Jacey Jones.”
“People think that I changed my name. I could've been an actress, a superhero, or a stripper.”
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