Jo Brand Quotes & Sayings

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125 most famous Jo Brand quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 67 year old British comedian born on Jul 23, 1957.

Jo Brand Quotes
“Anything is good if it's made of chocolate.”
Jo Brand Quotes
“Even nice things don't make you happy when you're tired.”
Jo Brand Quotes
“I read that book 'Fat is a Feminist Issue', got a bit desperate halfway through and ate it.”
Jo Brand Quotes
“Having children is fab. They keep me young and make me get up in the morning.”
Jo Brand Quotes
“There are two types of people in this world: one who opens a packet of biscuits, has one and puts the rest back in the cupboard, and one who eats the whole packet in one go.”
Jo Brand Quotes
“A good culture in a hospital can absorb and manage a few bad nurses, but once the culture becomes bad in itself, bad nursing practice is much harder to hide.”
“Some men are deeply likable but have attitudes I don't like. Does that mean I should completely dismiss them? It's like saying: if someone votes Tory can you like them? And, yes, I can. I have friends who vote Tory, and I'm appalled, but that's not to say they're not great people in so many other ways. We have a tendency to oversimplify things.”
Jo Brand Quotes
“I like to read my diary occasionally to remind myself what a miserable, alienated old sod I used to be.”
Jo Brand Quotes
“I must be an anorexic because an anorexic looks in the mirror and sees a fat person.”
Jo Brand Quotes
“Christians have always been fodder for comedians who have tended to portray them as anoraks - slightly clammy, beatifically smiley dullards with barely a personality between them.”

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