Jonathan Glazer Quotes & Sayings

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11 most famous Jonathan Glazer quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 59 year old British director born on Mar 1, 1966.

“I want to change things with everything I do, not for the sake of changing things, but for the sake of taking greater and greater risks, or how minimalist I might be able to be, or how I can involve elements or ingredients in music videos that are not musical, for instance.”
Jonathan Glazer Quotes
“I'm really so singular, I am only able to work on one thing at a time. I really am.”
“When you're making the film, you don't really think the audience; it's only when you start editing that you really start to became aware of your audience because you're thinking of how you communicate these ideas, and how lucid can you be, and yet stay within the language you've established.”
Jonathan Glazer Quotes
“I don't feel as though I've graduated from commercials or music videos. In my mind, they aren't compartmentalised.”
Jonathan Glazer Quotes
“I don't feel, 'I've made a great film'; I feel I've made what I set out to make.”
Jonathan Glazer Quotes
“I don't put on my best clothes to make a film, my Sunday best.”
Jonathan Glazer Quotes
“I don't think I'm the right man to adapt a book.”
Jonathan Glazer Quotes
“I'm Jewish. Went to a Jewish school.”
Jonathan Glazer Quotes
“I'm not the kind of filmmaker who's going to go from one thing to the next. I often wish I was that filmmaker, but I'm just not.”
Jonathan Glazer Quotes
“I've never been happy doing stock work; I've never been happy thinking that I haven't changed something.”

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