Jose Canseco Quotes & Sayings

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23 most famous Jose Canseco quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 60 year old Cuban athlete born on Jul 2, 1964.

“I don't recommend steroids for everyone, and I don't recommend growth hormones for everyone. But for certain individuals, I truly believe, because I've experimented with it for so many years, that it can make an average athlete a super athlete. It can make a super athlete - incredible. Just legendary.”
“Because I tried to everything possible to become the best player in the world? Do I believe steroids and growth hormones helped me achieve that? Yes. Were there a lot of other players doing it that I had to compete against? Yes.”
“These individuals on steroids, does it enhance their career, does it give them a little more strength, a little more stamina, a little more psychological edge? Absolutely. How do you determine what - what their stats would be without steroids? It's impossible to tell.”
“I had already developed inherited back problems. I had degenerative disk disease, a form of scoliosis, arthritis. And I truly believe that if it weren't for the use of steroids - I'm not saying steroids is for everyone, but in my case in general, if I have not used steroids, I mean, physically right now I'd probably be a wreck.”
“Owners, the way they blackballed me from baseball, the way they used me, in a sense, and then the way they wanted to send a signal to the other players, saying, you know, we're going to get Jose Canseco out of the game. This is a cue or a message for you other guys to stop using steroids because the owners lost total control of the steroid use.”
“Are we to say that any individual who's on steroids that has an angry moment is due to steroids? What about the individual who gets angry and kills someone who's not on steroids? What do we blame it on now?”
Jose Canseco Quotes
“If you look at our world, it's a world of critique.”
Jose Canseco Quotes
“Tony La Russa was quoted as saying that I was using steroids back then, and I was talking about it in the clubhouse, openly.”
Jose Canseco Quotes
“I was a professional athlete, the best baseball player in the world at one point.”
Jose Canseco Quotes
“I cannot bet my life on it, because I was not involved, that Alex Rodriguez ever used steroids. But in my opinion, I suspect he has, yes.”

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