Judah Friedlander Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Judah Friedlander quotes and sayings page 2 (55 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 52 we have for him.

Judah Friedlander Quotes
“Tina Fey is really cool. She's so mellow and laid back.”
Judah Friedlander Quotes
“I don't consider lacrosse a sport. To me that's just a frat activity that got out of hand.”
Judah Friedlander Quotes
“I don't live in a fancy neighborhood.”
Judah Friedlander Quotes
“I never got into things to be famous. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's annoying.”
Judah Friedlander Quotes
“I'm actually banned from the Himalayas, because I'm too good at yoga.”
Judah Friedlander Quotes
“If you are doing stand-up comedy, you have to be confident in what you are doing. That doesn't mean just because you are confident you are funny.”
Judah Friedlander Quotes
“Soccer and ping-pong are my two favorite sports to play.”
Judah Friedlander Quotes
“You jump on a bike and start peddling. You fall down and you get up again. I've always been a 'learn by doing' kind of guy.”
“I'm not one of those kind of people who does the observational 'Hey, don't you hate it when you're at the grocery store and the line's long and the cash register starts taking too long.' I don't really do that kind of stuff. I'm heavy on persona, and I do a lot of interacting with the audience.”
Judah Friedlander Quotes
“I think I've proven with my career that I can play a wide variety of characters. Yet, I still get typecast as the crazy slob guy. That's how it always works.”

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