Kelly Carlson Quotes & Sayings

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5 most famous Kelly Carlson quotes and sayings. She's a 49 year old American actress born on Feb 17, 1976.

“I just love coming to Vegas. There is always a good energy here; the minute you get off the plane, it is happy. Every experience I have had here is fun, and everyone is in a good mood; they are happy, and they let it go. I like that. It is refreshing to me.”
“'Nip/Tuck' did make me very comfortable in my own skin, no pun intended. I had to be stripped down a lot, and you're kind of in front of the whole world, and it teaches you to accept yourself and be comfortable with yourself real quickly.”
Kelly Carlson Quotes
“I was a wild child. It's nice, though, now to have grown up and be normal and domestic. I've become very traditional. Conservative, worldly and very wise but fun.”
Kelly Carlson Quotes
“I am a very good driver - a defensive driver.”
Kelly Carlson Quotes
“I take really good care of myself. I work out a lot and I eat very well.”

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