Kevin Nash Quotes & Sayings

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15 most famous Kevin Nash quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 65 year old American athlete born on Jul 9, 1959.

“The world is a mess. It seems that life gets harder on a personal level each and every day. Hug and kiss those you love every day. You never know when the tragedies of this world may visit your life.”
Kevin Nash Quotes
“I've always been into bodybuilding and keeping in shape, and I just challenge myself to see if I can continue to make improvements.”
“If you go to an ATM for a hundred dollars and it keeps spitting twenties, when would you walk away? When it wasn't spitting twenties no more. As long as you can take the money out, you'd stay there. That's what the wrestling business is like.”
“It's gone on my whole life, this David and Goliath syndrome that a lot of these smaller guys always have. They think the only reason I've ever had any success in my career is because of my physical size. And you know what? If that's the case, so be it. I really don't care. Because I have that size.”
“Scott Hall is a great wrestler, a better friend, but more than anything a very caring human being. Scott never passed a homeless person or someone in need without opening his wallet. This is a guy that has the first two nickels he ever made.”
Kevin Nash Quotes
“When you're in that upper echelon in wrestling, any movie you take is gonna be a pay cut. If you're gone for three months and they pay you 150 grand, you're getting killed.”
Kevin Nash Quotes
“I'm a Detroit kid who grew up with that assembly line mentality: You go to work to make money.”
“Everyone wants to call wrestling 'the business.' Why don't you treat it like a business? I don't care if you're running a diner, if you're running a car wash or a wrestling company. It's all business.”
“In professional wrestling, I think that they want you to be bigger than life. It's almost like an over-acting type thing - whereas on the big screen, you're 35 feet and they've got a close-up of you to put it on the screen in the movie house. At 35 feet, it's more subtlety than the overboard drama that we do in pro wrestling.”
Kevin Nash Quotes
“A guy my size needs a tremendous amount of protein on a daily basis, just to maintain peak size, strength, and performance. Basically, that means six or seven small meals a day, so I depend on protein supplementation.”

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