Khaled Hosseini Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Khaled Hosseini quotes and sayings page 4 (60 year old novelist). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 58 we have for him.

Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“Writing for me is largely about rewriting.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“I read actual physical books and have thus far avoided the electronic lure.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“Reading is an active, imaginative act; it takes work.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“For a novelist, it's kind of an onerous burden to represent an entire culture.”
“My memories of Kabul are vastly different than the way it is when I go there now. My memories are of the final years before everything changed. When I grew up in Kabul, it couldn't be mistaken for Beirut or Tehran, as it was still in a country that's essentially religious and conservative, but it was suprisingly progressive and liberal.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“Whatever the readers feel when they're reading my books, I feel it tenfold when I'm writing it.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“The experience of writing 'The Kite Runner' is one I will always think back on with fondness. There is an energy, a romance in writing the first novel that can never be duplicated again.”
“American high school culture was impenetrable to me, and very cliquey: you had the Hispanics, the African Americans, the surfer guys and the goths and the immigrants. The jocks and the surfers got the girls. By the time I'd got to grips with it, I'd graduated.”
“I have met so many people who say they've got a book in them, but they've never written a word. To be a writer - this may seem trite, I realize - you have to actually write.”
“It's a very nice kind of quasi-fame being a writer, because you remain largely anonymous and you can have a private life, which I really cherish. I don't like to be in the public light all that much. I don't crave the whole fame thing at all.”

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