Khaled Hosseini Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)
Khaled Hosseini quotes and sayings page 6 (60 year old novelist). These are the last 8 out of 58 quotes we have for him.
“The bewildering success of my books continues to surprise me.”
“The difficulty of writing a second novel is directly proportional to how successful the first novel was, it seems.”
“There isn't, even now, a great tradition of novel-writing in Afghanistan. Most of the literature is in the form of poetry.”
“My wife is my in-home editor and reads everything I write.”
“Economic chasm between people is something that is of interest to me. And something that I used to write about even as a child. It's something I've revisited a few times in my writings.”
“I don't outline at all; I don't find it useful, and I don't like the way it boxes me in. I like the element of surprise and spontaneity, of letting the story find its own way.”
“A Western-style democracy in Afghanistan is a dream. I don't see that as a reality anytime soon. But I think some form of representative political process is not that far-fetched.”
“For me as a writer, the story has always taken precedence over everything else. I have never sat down to write with broad, sweeping ideas in mind, and certainly never with a specific agenda.”
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