Khaled Hosseini Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Khaled Hosseini quotes and sayings page 5 (60 year old novelist). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 58 we have for him.

Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“I lay no claim, it should be clear, to being a historian. So in my books, the intimate and personal have been intertwined inextricably with the broad and historical.”
“To me, families are puzzles that take a lifetime to work out - or not, as often is the case - and I like to explore how people within them try to connect, be it through love, duty, or circumstance.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“I was good at being a doctor; my patients liked me. At times people trust you with things they wouldn't tell their spouses. It was a real privilege.”
“I've been told, and I think I recognize it, that there's a cinematic quality to my writing, with a sense of image and place and scene - and, some would say, my tendency to finish my books the way Hollywood finishes its films.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“Literary fiction is kept alive by women. Women read more fiction, period.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“Kabul was very popular with the hippies in the Sixties and Seventies. It was very quiet and peaceful.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“I give novels as gifts, and there is nothing I like to receive more as a gift.”
“I find myself drawn to that period where children are about to leave childhood behind. When you're 12 years old, you still have one foot in childhood; the other is poised to enter a completely new stage of life. Your innocent understanding of the world moves towards something messier and more complicated, and once it does you can never go back.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“I have this almost pathological fear of boring the reader.”
Khaled Hosseini Quotes
“I think that to fully appreciate baseball, it helps to have been born in the U.S.”

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