Kim Raver Quotes & Sayings

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25 most famous Kim Raver quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 55 year old American actress born on Mar 15, 1969.

“When I started 'Third Watch,' I knew I was going to be with the firefighters and lifting, so I was doing yoga, running, and swimming - all at the same time. I didn't have a kid then. Now I don't have time for that. I want to spend time with my son and my husband, so it's mainly just yoga now.”
Kim Raver Quotes
“I have an incredible role model in my mom. She was a single mother raising two kids in New York.”
Kim Raver Quotes
“For a quick, healthy meal that's also fun for kids, I serve fish tacos: soft tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, black beans and brown rice.”
Kim Raver Quotes
“My mom has always been a huge inspiration. She was a single mom raising two kids in New York. Now that is full-on all the time.”
Kim Raver Quotes
“In this business, there is an insane amount of pressure, spoken and unspoken, to be thin. If you look at some of the television shows, eating disorders become like a competitive thing.”
“As long as I get those running shoes on, then there's no turning back, and I have to go for that run. As long as you've got those workout clothes, you've got them on, you've got to go.”
Kim Raver Quotes
“I think it's necessary to let kids get bored once in a while - that's how they learn to be creative.”
Kim Raver Quotes
“When I need a break from the boys, I go with my girlfriend to buy pretty little dresses for her daughter.”
Kim Raver Quotes
“Maybe because I didn't have a huge film career right off the bat, I've been able to create something different, which is so important to me. That's myself, my idea of who I am.”
Kim Raver Quotes
“I've learned from my French husband and the way they eat, it's all about moderation. And that's really sustainable.”

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