Kristen Schaal Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Kristen Schaal quotes and sayings page 2 (47 year old actress). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 35 we have for her.

“Animals in general have sparked a weird depression in me, because as much as I tried, I couldn't layer a personality over them. You know what I mean? I would stare at the cows, and I would sing to the cows, and they would always just look at me blankly.”
Kristen Schaal Quotes
“Bad improv happens with people who are inexperienced with each other and don't know the craft that well. But bad stand-up is something that could happen to someone at any level in their career.”
Kristen Schaal Quotes
“Being a correspondent on 'The Daily Show' is some combination of doing a character and doing stand-up. It's a juggling act to find a balance between being you and playing a role.”
“Sometimes I try to sell shows with a female lead to networks, and that isn't something that's been a proven formula for them, so they reject it. I do feel like men get the funniest roles in movies.”
Kristen Schaal Quotes
“I definitely do weird things every show.”
Kristen Schaal Quotes
“I definitely had a Paul Rudd crush. He's great.”
Kristen Schaal Quotes
“I don't enjoy reality television at all. I have to say that I get it, though. I watch some of it, and I understand why people enjoy it.”
Kristen Schaal Quotes
“I loved 'Burning Love,' and I really do love almost everything Paul Scheer touches.”
Kristen Schaal Quotes
“I thought I would either be an epidemiologist or a 'Price Is Right' model.”
Kristen Schaal Quotes
“I would never bring a kid to a comedy show myself, but I have noticed that I can't stop other people from bringing their kids.”

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