Liu Bolin Quotes & Sayings

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5 most famous Liu Bolin quotes and sayings (artist).

Liu Bolin Quotes
“Each one chooses his or her path to come in contact with the external world. I chose to merge with the environment.”
Liu Bolin Quotes
“I chose to camouflage my body into the environment because this way, people will pay more attention to the background's social property, and the meaning of my body disappeared in this environment as an individual.”
“In one aspect, my works record the history of the development of Chinese society. Concern about the situation of Chinese reality is one important theme of my works. I am trying to ask, 'How does our society develop? What are the problems in our society? Where is our direction leading?'”
“Some people would ask: 'You are not the one who does the painting, or shot the work, how can it be your work?' But I was the one who chose which site we should use, and which assistant helps me to do the painting, or the shot.”
Liu Bolin Quotes
“When my body is covered and disappears, it's not about the relationship between me and the wall, but the relationship between me as an individual and those slogans which are used to fool the public.”

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