Louise Brown Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Louise Brown quotes and sayings page 3 (celebrity). These are the last 7 out of 27 quotes we have.

Louise Brown Quotes
“When dad told me Mr Steptoe had passed away, I broke down.”
“Every year I teach dozens of students at the University of Birmingham. Most of the students on the gender and sexuality courses are women. I guess this is because the boys don't think that gender applies to them: that it's a subject for girls.”
Louise Brown Quotes
“Don't write the book you think publishers want to commission. Plenty of other writers will be doing the same thing.”
Louise Brown Quotes
“I bought a selection of short, romantic fiction novels, studied them, decided that I had found a formula and then wrote a book that I figured was the perfect story. Thank goodness it was rejected.”
Louise Brown Quotes
“It took a brave editor in the U.S. to sign a contract for Dancing Girls, and without her belief in the book, I'm not sure it would ever have found its way into print.”
Louise Brown Quotes
“The Dancing Girls of Lahore was offered to dozens of British publishers and was turned down by everyone. It is still on offer in the U.K., but I'm not confident there will be any takers.”
“When I was a child and teenager I read whenever I had the opportunity, but since then I've found it hard to read as much as I'd like, children, work, and pets all providing powerful incentives to escape into a book and a practical reason why I rarely do so.”

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