Lynne Truss Quotes & Sayings

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24 most famous Lynne Truss quotes and sayings (writer). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Lynne Truss Quotes
“Texting is a supremely secretive medium of communication - it's like passing a note - and this means we should be very careful what we use it for.”
Lynne Truss Quotes
“Texting is a fundamentally sneaky form of communication, which we should despise, but it is such a boon we don't care. We are all sneaks now.”
“Nice clothes fall apart. Nice clocks don't work. Bits fall off the nice cooker. It is hard to accept that pricing is unrelated to quality, but it's plainly true. Nowadays, we pay the price that satisfies our particular personality type; and then we live with the painful consequences.”
Lynne Truss Quotes
“What one discovers in life, I find, is that one's personality defects don't come and go.”
“As someone who sends texts messages more or less non-stop, I enjoy one particular aspect of texting more than anything else: that it is possible to sit in a crowded railway carriage laboriously spelling out quite long words in full, and using an enormous amount of punctuation, without anyone being aware of how outrageously subversive I am being.”
Lynne Truss Quotes
“My favorite thing in the world is a quiz show, 'University Challenge,' so you can see what kind of sad person I am.”
Lynne Truss Quotes
“What I have always liked about Brighton is its impersonality. Since the 18th century, people have come, used the place and gone home again.”
Lynne Truss Quotes
“I do needlepoint from kits. I give them as gifts to people in the form of cushion covers and they are often speechless with horror.”
“Do you lend books and DVDs to people? If so, don't you always regret it? All my life I have forced books on to people who have subsequently forgotten all about it. Meanwhile, on my shelves sit many orphaned books loaned to me over the years by trusting, innocent souls - some as long ago as the Seventies.”
Lynne Truss Quotes
“To some people, the fact that I am not married, or don't have children, would be the reason I have written a book on punctuation.”

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