Melanie Chisholm Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Melanie Chisholm quotes and sayings page 2 (51 year old musician). These are the last 9 out of 19 quotes we have for her.

Melanie Chisholm Quotes
“I know I'm not a great singer. But I love to sing and I like to use my voice in different ways.”
Melanie Chisholm Quotes
“I love being onstage and I love to perform. To be honest with you, I'm more comfortable performing than I am in an everyday situation, which I can't quite explain.”
Melanie Chisholm Quotes
“The success of this album is very much in question. Who knows where it's going to go? My being a Spice Girl is no guarantee of anything, although I hope it'll benefit the sales.”
Melanie Chisholm Quotes
“A musical would be fantastic. The soundtrack would be great and I'd like to do acting.”
“A lot of people have been quite surprised with the stuff that I'm doing on my own, which shocks me because I've always known what I wanted to do. But people have only seen me with the Spice Girls, so I suppose it's not that surprising.”
“I don't want to be daft and say I had some spiritual awakening or something, but I really did come of age in Los Angeles, where we recorded the album. I had my own little house and my own little circle and I really got to feel how the city ticks.”
Melanie Chisholm Quotes
“I wouldn't say I worked with these people because I was looking for a particular vocal sound. I worked with them because I loved what they had done before-and because they really wanted to work with me.”
“Putting out my album on my own label has been a great experience for me. It's been very inspiring. It's like a new start for me and having all this creative freedom is so liberating and exciting.”
Melanie Chisholm Quotes
“The funny thing about making this record and being away from the girls and on my own in LA is that it allowed me to reflect on how much we've accomplished.”

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