Michael Schumacher Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Michael Schumacher quotes and sayings page 3 (56 year old celebrity). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 37 we have for him.

Michael Schumacher Quotes
“In sport there is never any moment that is the same as the other. I have been in Formula One for 12 years, and out of that I had one year with the perfect car.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“I have really enjoyed my time at Ferrari, not just because of the successes.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“I have to say it's been tough to leave the Ferrari family, which has been a big part of my career.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“I know what I am, and what I have to do in my profession, so I can handle the pressure. It's the way I think.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“I like working in a team, and at Ferrari there is always good cooperation.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“People get excited around me and behave differently than they would normally. I don't feel different from anyone else, except that I drive a racing car round in circles faster than somebody else.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“When you are part of a community for 14 years, it inevitably shapes you. I will always have a part of Ferrari beside me; a part of my heart will always be red.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“I didn't have statistics in my mind when I was racing. It was always a consequence - a nice consequence. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the reason I was racing.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“If you're lucky enough to be famous, then it's great if you can use your fame and the power your fame gives you to draw attention to things that really matter.”
Michael Schumacher Quotes
“In football, I need full concentration even though I really enjoy it.”

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