Mitchell Reiss Quotes & Sayings

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25 most famous Mitchell Reiss quotes and sayings (diplomat). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Mitchell Reiss Quotes
“And so there has been a lot of diplomatic movement.”
“Everyone I have spoken with so far recognises the need for the IRA to respond positively and every has said sooner is better than later and I think there is some concern if it does continue to delay much longer that the situation isn't going to remain the same.”
“But with lots of good ideas, implementation is the key, and so we need to keep our eye on the ball as we go forward and make sure that people honor their pledges in terms of financial commitments, and that we actually use this money so that it makes a real difference.”
Mitchell Reiss Quotes
“There is a different future that is available to North Korea, if they choose differently.”
Mitchell Reiss Quotes
“You have to play the cards you are dealt and if it has made it harder, it doesn't matter, you still have to get the deal done.”
Mitchell Reiss Quotes
“We are hopeful that the North Koreans can show a little bit more realism, a little bit more flexibility.”
Mitchell Reiss Quotes
“It's time for the IRA to go out of business.”
Mitchell Reiss Quotes
“The nexus between terrorism and nuclear weapons, or even nuclear material, is obviously a current concern.”
Mitchell Reiss Quotes
“I'm not sure you can do anything quickly or easily with the North.”
Mitchell Reiss Quotes
“Sometimes we tend to focus more on the personalities and the conflicts, and it really caricatures the issues.”

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