Monica Crowley Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Monica Crowley quotes and sayings page 3 (56 year old journalist). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 85 we have for her.

“Barack Obama is not Harry Truman, who dropped the A-bomb on Japan to stop World War II. Barack Obama is not John F. Kennedy, who lowered marginal tax rates to get economic growth and job creation. Barack Obama and the far left, they are a completely different ball of wax.”
Monica Crowley Quotes
“For years, Suzanne Somers has been a pioneer when it comes to alternative medical treatments.”
Monica Crowley Quotes
“American exceptionalism is grounded in the founding of the United States upon an idea, rather than upon the ambitions of men.”
Monica Crowley Quotes
“The Democrats handle dissent by isolating it, smearing it and delegitimizing it in order to crush it.”
Monica Crowley Quotes
“Bill Clinton is a classic, old-school Southern pragmatic Democrat.”
Monica Crowley Quotes
“Blowing terrorists to smithereens is gratifying.”
“One thing about liberals: It doesn't even occur to them that there is another side to an argument. They are so convinced of the righteousness of their own position that it doesn't dawn on them that a reasonable person might have a different viewpoint.”
Monica Crowley Quotes
“Each day of the Obama presidency seems to bring a new, perversely delicious irony.”
Monica Crowley Quotes
“Many Muslims may not seek to kill the infidel, but they don't want to condemn those carrying out the holy book command.”
Monica Crowley Quotes
“We need the ability to buy healthcare insurance across state lines that would increase competition and drive down cost.”

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