Neil Finn Quotes & Sayings

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7 most famous Neil Finn quotes and sayings. He's a 66 year old New Zealander musician born on May 27, 1958.

Neil Finn Quotes
“Our motto is whenever you make a mistake, do it twice.”
Neil Finn Quotes
“It took me a long time, but I don't feel as anxious about stupid things anymore - or perhaps they've just been replaced by more complicated stupid things.”
Neil Finn Quotes
“We used to say that he who threw the biggest tantrum won the day.”
Neil Finn Quotes
“I'm a lifer, yeah... I can honestly say I'm a lifer.”
Neil Finn Quotes
“I love being in the studio.”
Neil Finn Quotes
“I try to put myself into unusual and difficult situations as often as I can in order to capture the element of struggle in the music.”
Neil Finn Quotes
“So I think rather than being attracted so much now to working with my heroes, I'm sort of more attracted to working with completely unlikely strangers because it's more exciting really.”

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