Paul Watson Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Paul Watson quotes and sayings page 8 (74 year old environmentalist). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 132 we have for him.

Paul Watson Quotes
“I don't have a religion, but I respect them.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“I don't think you really have to retire from what you do.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“I find it abhorrent to see a whale being slaughtered and do nothing but bear witness.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“I have actually led more expeditions to Antarctica than Scott, Amundsen, and Shackleton put together.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“I wouldn't think I was successful if I didn't have just as many people hate me as support me.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“Japan is a bully nation that takes what it wants and threatens any who oppose it.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“NATO isn't going to be concerned about fishing.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“Nobody can legitimately claim to be a marine ecologist and conservationist while continuing to eat fish. It is the ultimate form of hypocrisy.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“People feel good about giving money to Greenpeace.”
Paul Watson Quotes
“Sometimes we are separated by differences, and sometimes we are united by common ideals of respect and compassion.”

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