Paula Deen Quotes & Sayings
46 most famous Paula Deen quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 78 year old American chef born on Jan 20, 1947.
“I don't care what the haters and naysayers say. If they make jokes about me, I'll laugh because they'll probably be funny.”
“I was determined to share my positive approach and not let diabetes stand in the way of enjoying my life.”
“The first thing I did was give up sweet tea because I drank so much. I'd start drinking at lunchtime and wouldn't set it down until I went to bed. When you calculate how much empty calories and how much sugar I was consuming, it was staggering. So I haven't had a glass of sweet tea in three years.”
“I'm so glad I'm not a dentist. How many times does someone say, 'Oh, Doc, it felt so good when you were drilling my teeth'? Never. But when you give someone a wonderful cookie, you put a little of yourself in, and you see someone's face light up - that's immediate approval.”
“In order to have good fried chicken, you should wash and season the bird the morning you're preparing it for dinner. Don't wait and do it right before you start cooking. Throw it in the refrigerator, seasoned, that morning, and give it a chance to soak up all the salt and pepper and goodness.”
“I don't want to spend my life not having good food going into my pie hole. That hole was made for pies.”
“I am living proof that the American dream still exists. It is still alive and well. There is only one trick, you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and work very, very hard.”
“You know, nobody can ever cook as good as your mama.”
“It's amazing how good getting up and moving makes you feel.”
“I'll keep peace at all cost, even if I choke to death on my tongue.”
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