Quincy Jones Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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Quincy Jones quotes and sayings page 7 (92 year old musician). Here's quote # 61 through 70 out of the 88 we have for him.

“Everybody, no matter what vocation they're looking at, should add music as an essential to their curriculum. Music can be a very important part of your soul and your growth as a human being. It's so powerful.”
Quincy Jones Quotes
“Cherish your mistakes, and you won't keep making them over and over again. It's the same with heartbreaks and girls and everything else. Cherish them, and they'll put some wealth in you.”
“I was inspired by a lot of people when I was young. Every band that came through town, to the theater, or the dance hall. I was at every dance, every night club, listened to every band that came through, because in those days we didn't have MTV, we didn't have television.”
“It's easy to get next to music theory, especially between your peers and music classes and so forth. You just pay attention. I had a good ear, so I realized that printed music was just about reminding you what to play.”
“It slaps your dignity just right. I loved the idea of these proud, dignified black men, and I saw the older ones wounded, and it wounded me ten times as much because I couldn't stand seeing them hurt like this.”
Quincy Jones Quotes
“I never cared about money or fame, and I don't care now. I follow the groove, and money always follows.”
Quincy Jones Quotes
“All guys get into music because they love music and they also want to get the girls.”
Quincy Jones Quotes
“Every country can be defined through their food, their music and their language. That's the soul of a country.”
Quincy Jones Quotes
“I don't remember feeling love.”
Quincy Jones Quotes
“China's got a billion people and a hit record over there is a million records. You know that ain't right.”

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