Rachel Corrie Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Rachel Corrie quotes and sayings page 2 (deceased activist born on Apr 10, 1979). These are the last 5 out of 15 quotes we have for her.

Rachel Corrie Quotes
“I am a good, strong word giver; I am a jealous guard of my own secrets. Freedom is the rule; I am hungry for one good thing I can do.”
Rachel Corrie Quotes
“I really value words. I really try to illustrate and let people draw their own conclusions.”
Rachel Corrie Quotes
“I've had this underlying need to go to a place and meet people who are on the other end of the portion of my tax money that goes to fund the U.S. and other militaries.”
Rachel Corrie Quotes
“When I am an old woman, I will stop trying to look beautiful. I will quit wearing makeup and buying uncomfortable clothes because they look good. Maybe I will take up nudism.”
“Whenever I organize or participate in public protest I get really worried that it will just suck, be really small, embarrassing, and the media will laugh at me. Oftentimes, it is really small and most of the time the media laughs at us.”

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