Rick Perry Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Rick Perry quotes and sayings page 3 (75 year old politician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 113 we have for him.

Rick Perry Quotes
“Conservatives are winning offices, and champions of big government are cleaning out their desks right now.”
Rick Perry Quotes
“Aggies have a really interesting way of admitting defeat. We've never been outscored. We just ran out of time.”
Rick Perry Quotes
“I come by my conservatism authentically, not by convenience. And I offer the American people a new direction.”
Rick Perry Quotes
“When I make a vow to God, then I would suggest to you that's even stronger than a handshake in Texas.”
Rick Perry Quotes
“It is time to let America be America again. To return freedom to the people. To stand on our founding principles and reject the cynical politics of the Nanny State.”
Rick Perry Quotes
“It's time to believe again in the potential of private enterprise set free from the shackles of over-bearing federal government.”
Rick Perry Quotes
“I don't think Obama understands basic economics. Not economics that work. He may understand some theory that someone in Princeton sat and dreamed up, but it's not working.”
“There's places where a secure fence will work, and that strategic type fencing will work. But the idea that people can easily just stand up and say 'let's just build a fence' and be done with it and wipe our hands, and it's going to secure the border, that's not reality.”
Rick Perry Quotes
“I grew up in a house with no running water, 16 miles from the closest place that had a post office. I had a very parochial view of the world.”
“You know, to preserve our job-friendly climate the Texas legislature didn't raise taxes this last legislative session while balancing their budget and maintaining their reserves - and might I add that our budget leaves $6 billion dollars in a rainy day fund?”

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